The 10 Best Things Botox Can Do.

Botox is a popular cosmetic nonsurgical treatment used in the medical field for the treatment of muscular conditions approved by the FDA. It is made of a neuro virus called the botulinum toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacterium. The Botulinum toxin is injected in minute concentrations into patients preventing signals from nerve cells to reach the muscles and temporarily paralyzes it. Let's discuss below the uses of Botox:

botox face lift

1. Temporary Botox facelift – It is temporarily used for a facelift to shape the jaw, relax wrinkles around the eyes and forehead and lift the tip of the nose. This treatment lasts for nearly 4-6 months.

2. Smoothening of the neck – With aging, horizontal wrinkles develop around the neck. Due to this, the face results in dropping as the nerves of the neck and face are co-related with each other. We use small amounts of botox injected around the muscles of the neck which relaxes the muscles, softens the wrinkles and uplifts the facial features. it's otherwise called the nonsurgical Botox facelift.

3. Managing the acne – Botox helps in reducing oil production by minimizing breakouts. It is usually advised on the forehead area than the entire face as it may result in a frozen face.
botox face lift

4. Uplifting the nose – After the age of 40, the nose starts sagging and becomes hooked. This results in a change of the entire face. To regain the original face, botox gets injected in between nostrils so that the depressor muscles get released, drawing the nose up avoiding the droopy face.

5. Tightening of the jowls –if the jawlines become less defined, we can uplift it using Botox. A small amount of it is used on the jawbone muscle to regain defined jawlines.
6. Softening the chin and jawline – Sometimes due to continuous teeth grinding, jaw lines get wider. For narrowing the jawline Botox is used which in turn uplifts the chin and cheeks. This relieves the pain and soreness.

botox face lift

7. Avoids hyperhidrosis (excess sweating) - Botox is injected mainly in the sole of the foot, palms, underarms, anywhere excessive sweating is observed commonly. By using Botox, the signals are not received by the sweat glands which prevent sweat glands to release sweat. The results were very significant when administered to patients.

8. Smoothening breast lines – With sun exposure and aging factors, lines develop around the women breast. To smoothen the lines, few individuals get Botox injected into the pectoral muscles.

botox face lift

9. Migraine controller – Botox when induced into the patient's forehead or scalps, it stops the pain signals to reach the brain and the head muscles get relaxed.

10. Lip augmentation – Use of Botox around the lip border of the upper lip, uplifts the lip to enhance the lip making it slightly more plump than the lower one.

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